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Organic and free from gene manipulation

Nature and humans have the same structure.
What grows in nature is good for humans.

If you change the natural products, then you change the structure.
Heating, freezing and non-human force destroys the structure.

The human body no longer recognizes nature.
So it is worthless to the human body.
The cells slag and acidify.
The cells cannot regenerate.

Eat and drink only natural products in organic quality and without genetic manipulation.
Your body will thank you.

Surfing in Malibu

You can find the best beaches for surfing here: https://malibu-krueger.com/shop

Jet Ski

We design your advertising for all products.
Feel free to contact us.
We speak English, Spanish and German.

Advertising Agency L.A.Neverland
Los Angeles, California
Phone: 424-409-9962
mail: go@laneverland.com

Chlorine free Water for our Children

Chlorine is in every water bottle you can buy.
Chlorine is in the tap water.
Chlorine is toxic to our body cells.
We use it to kill important body bacteria.

Is it healthy to drink chlorine every day or not?

Decide for yourself.

Vegan Breakfast

Vegan is the first step towards full awareness.

Stars of Music

We design your advertising for all products.
Feel free to contact us.
We speak English, Spanish and German.

Advertising Agency L.A.Neverland
Los Angeles, California
Phone: 424-409-9962
mail: go@laneverland.com

Is jogging healthy?

Jogging is dangerous. With improper nutrition, the bones are massively worn out.

Gardener wanted

We design your advertising for all products.
Feel free to contact us.
We speak English, Spanish and German.

Advertising Agency L.A.Neverland
Los Angeles, California
Phone: 424-409-9962
mail: go@laneverland.com